10 Ways to Pray the Rosary with Little Ones
Laura Range discusses creative ways for moms of young children to weave the Rosary into family life.
October is the Month of the Rosary! If you are a mom of little ones, that statement might make you cringe: who has time to pray the Rosary when you can hardly find a few uninterrupted minutes to even sit down in a day?
God never wants intimidation or guilt to be our motivation to pray, but rather He invites us into prayer because He knows it is a gift that brings peace, wisdom, and joy to the craziness of our days. The Rosary in particular is a prayer full of wisdom in its Mysteries, and a calming rhythm in the repetition of the beads. But how in the world do we attempt to pray it when we can barely finish a Hail Mary before someone needs a diaper change, asks for a snack, or throws a tantrum?
Don’t let the overwhelming thought of a full Rosary keep you from praying it at all. The Rosary is not an “all or nothing” prayer but rather an opportunity to meditate on the life of Christ and to connect with His Mother, whether that means we prayed a couple Hail Marys of it or a full five decades.
Here are a few creative ideas to encourage you to incorporate the Rosary into your daily life this month.
Try the Rosary in small amounts -- a decade at a time -- throughout the day. It only takes about 2 minutes to pray a decade. You can set an alarm on your phone for 3-5 different times in the day. And if you only get through one decade -- that’s great!
Give your kids tangible items to play with and “create” rosaries while you pray, such as a “Rosary” made from Cheerios, raisins, mini marshmallows, or chocolate chips. Stringing beads on a pipe cleaner is a non-food Rosary that is easy for little hands as well.
Play an audio Rosary by downloading a free Rosary app on your phone or by listening to a Youtube video (I like this channel). This can be done while you are washing dishes or folding laundry. Just having this prayer in the background is a beautiful introduction for your little ones to hear the prayers.
Buy an inexpensive Rosary coloring book or print free Marian coloring pages you find on Pinterest for your kids to color while you pray a decade together. (See Catholic Mom's Sunday Gospel Activities for free Rosary and Marian printables.)
While you rock or nurse your baby to sleep, this is a great time to pray the Rosary on your own (or out loud to calm the both of you!) instead of scrolling through social media.
Take a “Rosary walk” with your kids in the stroller or wagon. Pray out loud or to yourself as you all enjoy the fresh air and beauty of God’s creation.
This Rosary roses set is a lovely way for young children to count the Hail Marys and the Our Father while you pray them out loud, rather than following small beads on a Rosary.
Ask some mom friends to get together for a Rosary play date (perhaps even a weekly one!). Pray the Rosary together while your kids play.
Let your kids watch this Brother Francis episode about the Rosary while you have a cup of tea and pray the Rosary on your own.
Listen to a Rosary CD in the car while you drive. It can be on the way to a destination, but it can also just be a reason to strap everyone in their car seats and have some prayer time. There are many options for adults (the kids might even fall asleep to the calm, monotone voices!) or there are fun options for kids, such as Holy Heroes!
Focus on beginning to incorporate the rich treasure of the Rosary into your home a little at a time. Press on and do not give up, knowing that every attempt brings grace into your motherhood. Remember -- Our Lady understands what it is like to have a toddler in the home, or a little boy full of energy! Keep your goals small and your expectations even smaller, and get ready for some grace sent through the hands of your Heavenly Mother!
Copyright 2021 Laura Range
Images: Candy Rosary photo copyright 2021 Lindsay Schlegel, all rights reserved, used with permission
About Laura Range
Laura Range is an RN-turned-SAHM living in rural Ohio. A wife and mother of 3 (plus one in heaven), she is passionate about marriage and family life, redeeming the culture, and cultivating community. She enjoys cooking (and eating) tasty food, crafting and DIY, good books, little moments, and keeping it real. She runs a local miscarriage ministry and blogs at Life is Beautiful.