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A Catholic Mom Marian Consecration Prayer

By: Allison Gingras on September 14th, 2024

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A Catholic Mom Marian Consecration Prayer

family prayer  |  Marian Consecration

On September 15, the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows, we conclude our 33-day preparation of a Catholic Mom Marian Consecration to Jesus through Mary, which has been shared on our various social media platforms. 

We invite you to join in praying this special Consecration prayer for mothers. If you have been taking this preparation journey as a family, an alternative consecration prayer is included as well. *Free downloads available below.



Marian Consecration Prayer for Mothers


I, _____[state your name]___________, a sorrowful and contrite sinner, renew and ratify today in your hands, dearest Blessed Mother, the vows of my Baptism. 

I surrender all attachments, especially anything that keeps me from growing ever closer to your Son, Jesus, and all the blessings of heaven. Every day, I will strive to pray and offer simple sacrifices, seeking your motherly intercession and appealing for an outpouring of God's grace. I will encourage my loved ones to join me and do the same. 

O Immaculate Mary, I give you my heart and ask you to ignite within it an unquenchable fire of love for your Son. Illuminate my way to His heart, where I know I will always find peace and rest. Mary, I entrust myself to you. I entrust my spouse, children, and loved ones to your pure, humble, caring hands. I embrace and believe in the powerful promise of the triumph of your Immaculate Heart, placing myself and all I love there.  

Accept the offering of my life, my daily chores, and the service I offer to my family and community. Bless my family's work, prayer, and play; may you find it pleasing and fruitful; please present it to your Son so it may be perfected and bring even greater glory to God now and forever. Amen.



Marian Consecration Prayer for Families


We, _____[state your names]___________, sorrowful and contrite sinners, renew and ratify today in your hands, dearest Blessed Mother, the vows of our Baptism. 

We surrender all attachments, especially anything that keeps us from growing ever closer to your Son, Jesus, and all the blessings of heaven. Every day, we will strive to pray, especially as a family, and offer simple sacrifices, seeking your motherly intercession and appealing for an outpouring of God's grace. We will work together to encourage each other to make the time for prayer. 

O Immaculate Mary, We give you our hearts and ask you to ignite within them an unquenchable fire of love for your Son. Illuminate our way to His heart, where we know we will always find peace and rest. Mary, we entrust ourselves to you. We entrust ourselves and all whom we love to your pure, humble, caring hands. We embrace and believe in the powerful promise of the triumph of your Immaculate Heart, placing ourselves and all we love there.  

Accept the offering of our lives, our daily chores, and the service we offer to each other, our friends, and our community. Bless our family's work, prayer, and play; may you find it pleasing and fruitful; please present it to your Son so it may be perfected and bring even greater glory to God now and forever. Amen.


Download Prayer for Mothers

Download Prayer for Families



About Allison Gingras

Allison Gingras ( ReconciledToYou.com) Allison Gingras shares an everyday Catholic faith with humor and honesty. Her writing includes The Handy Little Guide to Novenas (OSV), Encountering Signs of Faith (Ave Maria Press), and the Stay Connected Journals for Catholic Women (Our Sunday Visitor), with a new edition "Jesus Heals," coming in 2025. Allison is the Director of Digital Evangelization for Family Rosary USA.