A Life with and for God and Our Blessed Mother – Family Reflection Video
Each January 9 around the world, we celebrate the birth of Venerable Patrick Peyton. However, as you know, this year January 9, we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord. But what makes our offering a Mass of thanksgiving for Father Peyton today providential is that January 10 is the date Patrick Peyton was baptized and became a new creation, an adopted son of God.
Within a span of two days, Patrick Peyton had a natural birth and a supernatural birth that would set the course of his life … one that would lead countless souls to believe in the power of family prayer, especially the Rosary---to unite them in God's love---and strengthen the bonds of their families.
Father Leo and I were talking the other day about why people are interested in Father Peyton's life and why they ask for his intercession in their prayer needs. Father Leo pointed out that when talking about Father Peyton, we often begin with the big headlines: 28 million people attending his Rosary rallies, his impactful movies on the Mysteries of the Rosary, the stars and influential people that worked with Father Peyton, and many other highlights. And this leads to the question, how did a man from a little village in Ireland accomplish so much good in his life?
In a sense, Father Peyton's life story is the road map for all followers of Jesus. He received the sanctifying Grace of God through His baptism and would always have the life of the Trinity at work in his soul. As he grew and received the sacraments of Holy Communion, Confession, and Confirmation, and eventually Holy Orders, he would also receive God's actual graces through the example of his parent's love for each other and their children. This love was rooted in their faith and united in the Mass and nightly family Rosary prayer.
Father Peyton was open to and blessed by many inspirations and encouragements from God that came through people like his Pastor in Scranton, PA, his professor at the University of Notre Dame, Father Hegarty, and countless people worldwide. No doubt, he also received God's and our Blessed Mother's nudges and consolations during his daily prayer, which included daily Mass, a Holy Hour, the Liturgy of the Hours, and countless Rosaries.
In today's gospel, Jesus calls two sets of brothers to follow Him. There's a parallel to God calling Patrick Peyton and his brother, Tom, to the priesthood in the Congregation of Holy Cross.
But this call from Jesus is not limited to those first disciples or Patrick and Thomas Peyton. Rather, God is calling each of us to follow Him each day within our own vocation.
What we share in common with people like Father Peyton is the call to holiness, a life dedicated to God and our families.
On this day, when we give thanks for the life of Venerable Patrick Peyton, we're reminded of what God can accomplish through our lives, the people who can be lifted up, the relationships with God and loved ones that can be healed and strengthened if we give our lives and faithfully follow Him each day.
Venerable Patrick Peyton, pray for us!
- Learn more about Venerable Patrick Peyton, his life, his ministry and his Cause for Sainthood.
Father David's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
- To view Rosary prayer and Mass streaming live, please visit our Facebook page at 11:30 am EST, Monday – Friday. Please invite your loved ones to join us too! (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
About Father David Marcham
Reverend David S. Marcham is the Vice Postulator for the Cause of Venerable Patrick Peyton, and Director of the Father Peyton Guild, whose members pray for Father Peyton’s beatification and spread his message of the importance of Family Prayer. Prior to becoming a seminarian, Father David was a physical therapist and clinical instructor, serving hospital inpatients and outpatients throughout the greater Boston area for eleven years. In 1998 he heard the call to priesthood and was ordained in the Archdiocese of Boston in 2005. Father David grew up in Quincy, MA, and has fond memories of playing soccer, tennis and running track. You’re never without a friend when Father David is around, as he welcomes everyone into his circle with a smile on his face!