He was brilliant. And his heart was even bigger than his intelligence!
Against the will of his father, St. Francis de Sales, whom we remember today, rejected a successful future as a lawyer to become a priest. Upon ordination he set out to re-evangelize. He spoke often of the call to holiness and brought many back to the Church. His influence on Catholic spirituality continues to be strong today.
In today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus choosing the twelve Apostles. In the first place they are chosen to be His companions. Then they are sent to preach and heal. Imagine what that was like for them. Certainly the apostles had a unique call but at the same time we know that each of us has a unique call to let Jesus into our heart and this is what makes us holy. Husbands and wives are to experience this love of Jesus together and to be the first to give that love to their children. This is holiness in the home.
Saint Francis de Sales, pray for us.