2025: The Year of the Marriage?
We are just beginning 2025, so many people are still thinking about resolutions they might make for this new year. Have you made one yet? If not, consider choosing a resolution that will strengthen your most important relationship this side of heaven: your marriage.
Our marriages are covenants: sacred contracts that bond the two spouses into a family. The Catholic Church provides a comprehensive and truly beautiful list of vows to seal the marital covenant. The more I study these vows, the more grateful I am to the Church for them! Here they are, in simplest terms: I have vowed to love my husband freely, fully, faithfully, and fruitfully; for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death parts us.
You Say You Want a Resolution …
I have found that working on any of these vows can strengthen my own marriage. So today, I would like to suggest one resolution per vow you might make for this year.

If you want to work on loving your spouse “freely” ...
Resolve to go to confession quarterly or (even better) monthly. The more often you free yourself from attachments to sin, the freer you are to love!
If you want to work on loving your spouse more “fully” ...
Resolve to sit down together every week or two and really share your feelings, failures, hopes, mistakes, and stresses. Your husband cannot be your partner in everything if you do not share everything with him!
If you want to work on loving your spouse “faithfully” ...
Resolve to be the first to apologize and quick to forgive whenever you argue. Granting and accepting forgiveness is so crucial to preserving the faithful, exclusive intimacy you enjoy with your husband.
If you want to work on loving your spouse more “fruitfully” ...
Resolve to pray together daily that the gifts of the Holy Spirit you received at Confirmation would blossom into fruits like patience, generosity, and self-control.

If you want to work on loving your spouse “for better or for worse” ...
Resolve to celebrate your husband’s joys and successes this year, big or small, with a special dinner, homemade card, or small gift. Make sure he knows you are proud of him in his “for better” moments!
If you want to work on loving your spouse “for richer or for poorer” ...
Resolve to take one more step this year towards financial security and organization, whether that means meeting with a financial advisor, setting up a new investment, or just creating a budget together at home.
If you want to work on loving your spouse “in sickness and in health” ...
Resolve to be a better servant to your husband when he is feeling unwell physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Ask, “How can I make this a little easier or more comfortable for you today?”

If you want to work on loving your spouse “until death parts you” ...
Resolve to pray daily that God would lead your husband to heaven. You can also add prayers for the souls in Purgatory to keep the endgame in mind. Try this quick prayer my family says right after the traditional grace before meals prayer: “And may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.”
Happy New Year! We are praying for your marriage in 2025.