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A Promise to Cherish: Family Reflection Video

A Promise to Cherish: Family Reflection Video

Why pray?  |  Strengthening family unity  |  Seasonal Reflections

We have the consoling Promise of Jesus, “I will be with you forever.” But now he says he has to go away?


Why was it necessary for Jesus to leave for the Holy Spirit to come to us? We find the answer in ‘Pentecost.’

While Jesus takes on human flesh to become one of us, the Holy Spirit enters into humanity to become one in us. We have the Holy Spirit in us, and He shares His gifts, His power and His life with us! The Holy Spirit has transformed us into children of God. 

Gather your family to pray and thank Jesus for his faithful love and presence in your lives. Praise Him for the promise of the Holy Spirit that lives in us and unites each of us with God and with one another. This is the same Spirit that unites and keeps your family together as one.

Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

 For additional reading: Jesus’ Departure; Coming of the Advocate, John 16:5-11

About Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C.

Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C. is from the Northeast India Province of Holy Cross. A native of Kerala, Father Jilson has been serving in a parish and school ministry since his ordination twelve years ago. He joins the Family Rosary team as an Assistant, while he works to study Pastoral Counseling in the Boston area. With a personal devotion to Mother Mary, Father Jilson is thrilled to be working to enhance family prayer through the Rosary. And if you ever need a listening ear or want to play a board game, Father Jilson’s your guy!