Today is now known as Black Friday and in our consumer society it is the busiest and commercially wildest day of the whole calendar year. Billions of dollars are spent on special deals to purchase necessary and frivolous items of houseware, clothing, and technology, not to mention toys.
If this wild commercialism causes your conscience to pause and consider an alternative, allow me to propose an antidote to the consumerism of Black Friday.
The medicine that leads to a cure can be found and used on GIVING TUESDAY.
This is an amazing opportunity to forget about unnecessary spending on Black Friday and focus on the generosity of supporting worthy causes and charities. For the first time ever, Holy Cross Family Ministries will be accepting financial support on GIVING TUESDAY, November 28th.
Friends, we need your help to spread the word around the world that, “the family that prays together stays together” - Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.
You can help this Tuesday. > Donate online
May God bless you and your family
for helping to spiritually encourage other families.