Friends, today we celebrate the feast of Saints Simon and Jude. Like them, all of us by our baptism are called by Jesus Christ to be missionary disciples of the good news. Let me share two true stories with you.
The actor Jim Caviezel had been in Hollywood for a few years and experienced rejection after rejection. About to give up, he decided to go on one more audition. A Hollywood director had invited Jim to come to his home to discuss a role.
Running late, Jim leaped from his car with a Rosary wrapped around his fist; he had been praying during the ride over. He approached the house and a lady he assumed was the maid, greeted him warmly. She looked at the Rosary and told him she had recently lost her favorite Rosary. Jim gave his Rosary to her. When the director came, he kissed the lady on the cheek. This was not the maid but the director’s wife!
Jim got the role and it was a turning point in his career in Hollywood but also in his life as a young Catholic man.
Jim Caviezel has also told the story of the incredible circumstances that led to Father Patrick Peyton hearing his confession. Father Peyton was tough on him and told Jim he was going to have to choose; either to be faithful to our Lord in Hollywood or not. If he chose to be faithful to our Lord in Hollywood, Father Peyton believed he would do important work.
In the gospel today, after praying Jesus chooses the apostles Simon Peter, James, John, Simon and Jude and the others. They must choose. They can follow Him and become missionaries of the good news, disciples of the Lord, or not.
Every day, when we wake up, we must choose to be missionary disciples of the Lord Jesus or not. You must choose, I must choose.
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Father Wilfred J. Raymond, C.S.C. (Father Willy), a native of Old Town, Maine, is the eighth of 12 children. He joined the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1964 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1971. He earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Stonehill College in 1967 and a master’s in Theology from the University of Notre Dame in 1971. He served in ministry at Stonehill College (1979-1992), Holy Cross leadership (1994-2000), National Director of Family Theater Productions, Hollywood (2000-2014), and President of Holy Cross Family Ministries (2014-2022). In addition to English, he is conversant in French and Spanish. He remains a diehard fan of the Boston Red Sox, even though he has served as Chaplain for the Los Angeles Dodgers.