Creation and Evolution

“Catholic Central: Creation and Evolution” refutes the notion that science and faith are at war, but instead demonstrates the ways they complement each other. We discuss the Catholic Church’s acceptance of the theory of evolution, Catholic contributions to scientific research and discovery, and exploration of not just how the universe works, but why it exists at all.
Episode 4 · November 8, 2017 ·

Diving Deeper

  1. What do you think of the ways that Catholics reconcile Genesis and the theory of evolution?
  2. When people tell you that science proves God doesn’t exist, how do you respond? Can science prove God doesn’t exist?
  3. What is a question that science alone can’t answer?
  4. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI wrote that the creation story in Genesis doesn’t tell us where we came from, but who we are. What does that mean to you?


Spend 30 minutes outdoors with your cellphone on silent. Observe the beauty of creation. In what ways do you see God as active in creation?
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