
The Psalms are more than the part of Mass when the cantor looks like she′s landing a fighter jet! Kai and Libby take you through the different kinds of Psalms and how they can help YOUR prayer life.

Episode 39 · March 28, 2019 · Why pray?, YouTube, apologetics

Diving Deeper

  • What are some ways that you can include the psalms in your daily prayer? 
  • Do any of the Psalms jump out at you as something you can relate to? Why? 
  • The psalms express “vertical emotions,” that is, feelings that we have towards God like joy, gratitude, desolation, serenity, etc. Which vertical emotion are you feeling now? Which do you usually feel?


  • The Responsorial Psalm for every Sunday Mass is intentionally chosen by the Church to go with the First Reading. Read all of the Mass readings and the psalm for the upcoming Sunday. Identify the feeling (joy, gratitude, desolation, serenity, etc.) of the psalm, and explain why that particular psalm was chosen for the First Reading. Then think about how the reading and psalm speak to you.

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