
They are our great cloud of witnesses, the saints in heaven, friends of God and friends of us left here on earth. In Saints, we meet some of the very human people the Church has acknowledged as saintly, because of how they lived their lives, and because of the miracles God does when people pray for their intercession. Everybody needs a friend!

Episode 12 · December 20, 2017 ·

Diving Deeper

  1. What characteristics do you see in those who live a virtuous life? Do you look up to these people?
  2. Have you ever had a mentor for sports, academics, or hobbies? The saints are like our mentors for the spiritual life. How can we learn from what they have done?
  3. Have you ever known someone who went through a dramatic change? Many saints did not start out so saintly. What are your thoughts when you hear how much some saints have changed? Is transformation possible?


"Holiness" or "sanctity" means "set apart." What does it mean to "be holy" or to "be a saint?" Many people will say "I’m no saint." Why do you think people shy away from this? What do you find challenging about this call to be holy? Choose one way to strive for holiness in a hidden, quiet way this week. Set an alarm or note for a week from now, and review how it went.


Other Resources
  • Want to know more about a particular saint? Start here: Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic shares the story of St. Maximilian Kolbe .
  • Need more information on how the Church declares saints? Check out this video .
  • Do Catholics worship saints? Father Mike Schmitz answers this question here .
  • What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say about saints? Click here .
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