You don't need to be reading along to be blessed by this inspiring conversation with author Julianne Stanz, author of Braving the Thin Places: Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace.
What a blessing to be joined for three weeks with author Julianne Stanz as we delve into the Catholic Mom Book Club selection for Fall 2024: Braving the Thin Places: Celtic Wisdom to Create a Space for Grace, published by Loyola Press.
Listen in (and share your thoughts in the comments) as we discuss the concept of a "thin place" and how that relates to our spiritual life. We unpack our spiritual "junk drawers" and contemplate what the "potato masher" in our lives may exist that keeps us from letting go of our stubborn habits and behaviors.

Of course, we had to chat a bit about Venerable Patrick Peyton, as Julianne, hailing from Ireland, offers profound insights into the rich history and traditions of the Catholic faith in her homeland. I think my favorite part came from Julianne's sharing of so many Irish seanfhocals (old words); these profound Irish sayings sure make you think!
Watch this Week's Book Club Video:
Special Book Club offer!
Interested in your own copy? Use promo code BRAVING to receive 30% off the cover price of Braving the Thin Places when you purchase your copy directly from the publisher. Does not include shipping and handling. This coupon code expires on November 20, 2024.

Images courtesy of Loyola Press, all rights reserved.