Not too long ago, our seven-year-old grandson was looking through some 1950s family photo albums. We explained to him how he was related to the various family members in the pictures. At one point, he asked why wasn’t there color back then. We assured him that the mid-twentieth-century world was full of color. We then described how technology had changed photography over the last seventy years.

Black and white photography has artistry that penetrates the reality of some subjects that color cannot match. Today, we usually prefer the fullness of color that our digital cameras easily capture. Our interest is not to produce art but rather to keep a visual memory, a feeling, a gathering of family and friends, a cherished relationship, a life transition, or a quiet, candid moment.
I think we keep these “life pictures” because they capture light; they help us discover the light within our lived experience. They touch us at a deep level. They brighten our faces with a smile and give us joy.

Entering Eastertime
We can reflect on how we keep Easter, and how deeply the Resurrection of Jesus touches our lives.
The gospels give us several accounts of Jesus appearing to His disciples after His Resurrection. These encounters were mysterious and powerful. We, as Christians, are living witnesses of the timeless meaning of these life-changing encounters with the Risen Lord.
Mary Magdalene proclaims, “I have seen the Lord.” ~ John 20:18b

I think the Resurrection of Jesus gives us an “eternal life picture,” not simply kept in memory or an album, but kept by living in the light of the meaning all of our days, in all our relationships. It is seeing the world in a full spectrum of color, the glow of the Divine Light. We experience heartfelt joy when we recognize, in faith, the Risen Lord’s presence among us.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” ~ John 1:5
We are always living in the Light of Easter. The Spirit of Christ moves us to love, to hope, and to have faith as we face life’s frightening challenges, and its darkest moments. We need not fear the darkness. The Light has already won. It is a good time to rejoice.
Risen Lord, give our families joyful hearts and a loving vision to see all people in Your Light.