Today’s gospel reminds me of an experience I had a couple of years ago while serving as a missionary in Northeast India. I was assigned to a remote parish in Tuikarmaw, south of Tripura. It was my first mission as a priest. This parish had 25 sub-centers located in villages over about 400 square kilometers. We moved from village to village, bringing the sacraments, spending time with the villagers and catechizing them.
Once along with my missionary team, I visited a very remote, difficult-to-reach village, Devipur. We had to park our Jeep on the main road and walk a few miles to reach it. Since there was some political unrest during that time, a battalion of the army was occupying that village and the village chapel. So, we had to celebrate Mass on the veranda of a family home.
We had nothing fancy. Our altar was a piece of wood, and we sat on a mat on the floor. Since it was near the army camp, a strong, tall, rough-looking army man joined the villagers for Mass. Following a beautiful celebration of the Eucharist, with everyone present receiving the Holy Eucharist, the homeowner invited us to join her family for lunch in her home. To my surprise, this tough-looking army man responded with, “I don’t need any more food. I received the food that I was longing for.” He had been posted in this remote village for months and not able to get Eucharist.
His response touched me and made me realize how fortunate I was to receive the Eucharist daily. We do appreciate something more when we can’t get it.
Jesus says in today’s gospel, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.” John 6:51. Jesus loves us so much that He wants to remain with us always. He does so by continuing to live in us through the Eucharist.
Today, as we reflect on this gift of Jesus to us, let us think about how much we miss receiving this “bread of life “physically when we cannot attend Mass.
May the good Lord continue to bless and keep your families fulfilled, flourishing, and healthy. Amen.
Father Pinto's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
Father Pinto Paul C.S.C., ordained a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1999, worked with tribal populations in northeast India as a missionary for ten years. In 2010 he came to the US for further studies. While working as a campus minister at Stonehill College, he assisted pastors in local parishes, led seminars and workshops for teachers and students in the US and earned a master’s degree in Educational Administration from Boston College and a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Lesley University, Cambridge. He is currently working as the International Director of the Boston-based Holy Cross Family Ministries with missions in 18 countries.