Just recently, I read an essay about how we look at life with all our advances in technology, science, and so on.
The author, Nicholas Senz, though he appreciated these advances, raised a good point about how this progress cause us to view ourselves and the challenges of everyday life. He warns us that if we lose track of who God has made us to be, that science and technology, as helpful as it is, can lead us astray.
I thought about this as I reflected on the Acts of the Apostles. Today, there are many examples of how science is being used to try to change God's creation, including (most notably) human beings to conform to man’s wishes. What the Apostles embraced was that they had been conformed to Christ and so their actions flowed from who they had become. Deep down, each of us knows that we are made in the image and likeness of God. When we have the time and quiet, we recognize that we are made to live lives of virtue and holiness.
Let us live not for the world’s agenda, but for God’s.