Today, we hear Jesus asking his disciples the question, "Who do you say that I am?". It's interesting to note that Jesus asks this question after praying in solitude. Jesus always prayed before doing anything important. We read in Mark 1:35 "Rising very early before dawn, He left and went off to a deserted place, where He prayed."
It is by being in prayer to his Father that Jesus discovered His true identity and built His relationships with others.
As Catholic Christians we do not find our identity through a google search or through Facebook, but by spending time with God in prayer.
Being with the Lord in prayer helps us see Jesus for who He is, and see ourselves in light of His standard. We can then more easily align and set our priorities in life accordingly.
As we frequently sing: "Turn your eyes upon Jesus; Look full in His wonderful face; and the things of earth will grow strangely dim; in the light of His glorious face."
Seeing Jesus for who He is, and ourselves in relationship to Him, will prompt us to grow in our relationship with Him and with others - and to love and serve Him in our vocation.
It will bring us to the "Holy Mountain" - the dwelling place of the Lord mentioned by the psalmist.
Are we ready to "rise very early" before the other members of our family and go to a private place where to spend time with and pray to God the Father?