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Family Reflection Video: Faith Heals

Family Reflection Video: Faith Heals

strength and hope

Some people are on the sidelines, judging others. Others - the people of faith - are called to witness the Good News of Jesus, with amazement and awe, that they have experienced themselves.

Wouldn’t you want faith-filled, confident and resourceful friends like the paralytic had in today’s story? No matter what obstacles and challenges they encountered, they were going to get their friend to Jesus. After experiencing Jesus’ forgiveness and healing, the story goes on to say that all were amazed and filled with awe.

We too should be filled with amazement and awe about our relationship with Jesus. Think about a time the Lord’s forgiveness changed you, freed you and lifted you back up. Think about a time you or someone you love were healed, either spiritually or physically. Talk about these times with your family. Was someone there to help bring you to Jesus? Have you ever brought someone to Jesus to help them through a difficult time?

Thank you for joining us. It’s so nice to be visiting the Father Peyton Center again today during this holy Advent season. I will keep you in my prayers. And during my travels, I’m keeping the families I minister to in Peru close in my thoughts and prayers.

For additional reading: Luke 5:17-26, The Healing of the Paralytic