Advent (ad∙vent) noun : IN ROMAN TIMES - The Emperor has arrived at the city gates, prepare the way for him. Open the doors to let him in with warm welcome.
At some point in our lives many of us feel consumed by darkness. Caused by illness, loss of affection, broken promises, addiction, suffering for your faith, depression, whatever it may be, during this time there seems to be no light. However dark it may seem, search for the spark. Even in the dark, the light of our faith united can overcome the darkness with warmth and beauty.
If you and your family are going through a dark night of the soul, this Advent may be the greatest grace of your life and a pure gift from God. Is there some hidden grace from God for your family in this Advent?
When you gather with your family tonight reflect on the struggles you’re each facing. How can you help one another find light in the darkness?
It’s been a blessing having you with us. God bless you. “Let the clouds rain down the Just One, and the earth bring forth a Savior” (Isaiah 45:8).
For additional reading: Saint John of the Cross