We’ve all experienced it. We pray and pray for something really important … then eventually grow weary and lose hope. If that sounds like something you are experiencing, I hope today’s reflection will lift your spirits and your heart!
Jesus reminds us not to give up on relentless prayer and he will not disappoint.
The story of the blind beggar today also reminds us we are prone to a kind of “spiritual blindness” at times … incapable of seeing, feeling and appreciating the living presence of God within ourselves and others. To heal, we require the same trusting faith and persistence in prayer.
We can help lift up and strengthen one another during times of this “spiritual blindness.” When your family is together, mention this to them. Talk about ways you have helped one another during these times. Perhaps there is someone in your family that has grown weary from prayer and feels hopeless. How can you help?
As a family, you might want to use the refrain from a beautiful hymn, "Jesus, Come to Us," by David Haas, as your simple prayer today.
Jesus, come to us, lead us to your light.
Jesus, be with us, for we need you!
For additional reading: Luke 18:35-43