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Family Rosary Prayer Reflections for Good Friday

By: Guest blogger on April 9th, 2020

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Family Rosary Prayer Reflections for Good Friday

Why pray?  |  Strengthening family unity

Frequent readers will recognize our dear Father Leo Polselli, C.S.C. Father Leo has written some beautiful reflections for your special family Rosary prayer on Good Friday … a most unusual Good Friday in the midst of a pandemic. You may use these reflections with your family at home, or with family and loved ones gathered online! Simply forward the document to them ahead of time so they can follow along. (There are helpful notes throughout the document for families new to Rosary prayer.)

As you begin the Rosary, hold the crucifix in your hands as you make the Sign of the Cross and pray together the Apostles’ Creed - it’s a brief but thorough summary of what we believe. Then begin the introductory prayers as you move up the short straight string of beads.

At the circle of beads, move counterclockwise to begin the reflections followed by decades of prayer (meaning ‘ten,’ referring to the Hail Marys.)

Listen to each reflection. It relates to a story of Jesus in the bible but pay close attention. It also relates to a story from this present time, in our own family, doesn’t it?

After each reflection, you’ll start to relax with the rhythm and repetition of those familiar childhood prayers. You’ll feel comforted by the sound of loved-one’s prayer all around you. You’ll start to feel the power and promise of Rosary prayer.

During this meditative time your thoughts may wander back to the reflection you just heard. How can that story of Jesus strengthen and guide us today? What lessons are in that story for you? What is Jesus trying to tell you right now?

Conclude the Rosary with the Hail Holy Queen and, as you began, with the Sign of the Cross. The entire Rosary will take a family approximately 20 minutes to complete at a comfortable pace. Could end up being the best 20 minutes of the day!

For those new to Rosary prayer, there are helpful notes throughout the document and some resources below. Remember, it’s your prayer. Enjoy the experience. Don’t feel overwhelmed thinking you have to make it perfect.

Father Leo would love to hear from you about your experience! Please write to him in the space below.

Download or view Good Friday Rosary Reflections

How to pray the Rosary (and a free Rosary app too)