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Fishers of Souls - Weekday Homily Video

Fishers of Souls - Weekday Homily Video

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Jesus always spoke to the crowds in the ordinary language of the time. To the shepherds he addressed giving the examples of sheep and green pastures, to the farmers he spoke giving the example of sowing and reaping, and to the fishermen he spoke giving the example of fishing.

In Ireland, I love watching TV fishing shows where anglers try and struggle to get that ‘big one.’ That mighty battle would take several minutes to a few hours. Once the fish finally gets hauled into the boat or dragged to the shore, there’s picture taking, weighing of the fish, and letting it go back into the ocean.

The gospel today shows a different experience. It tells us that we should be the fish that want to be caught and collected. Fishermen during Christ’s time, and perhaps until now, examine the fish that they catch.  If big enough for the harvest and the market, the fish is put in the bucket; small fish or diseased ones could be destroyed or thrown back into the sea.

Today’s parable is all about what would happen at the “end-times.” Jesus reminds us through the parable that while there is time, to seek and practice righteousness. All of us are given the chance and enormous opportunities to be good and be admitted to the God’s kingdom. It is essential for us, as followers of Christ, to recognize that God’s grace is open to everyone, regardless of their past or current state. We should never feel superior or judgemental towards others but instead share the Gospel with humility and compassion, just as Jesus did during his earthly ministry.

Today’s parable also teaches us the urgency of our response to God’s call. The fishermen did not delay in pulling the net ashore, and similarly, we should not procrastinate in responding to God’s invitation to follow him. We should strive to live a life worthy of Gospel, seeking to grow in holiness and virtue, and spreading God’s love to others through our actions and words.

As we contemplate this parable, let us reflect on the following questions:

  • How are we responding to God’s invitation to be part of his Kingdom?
  • Are we actively living our faith and sharing it with others?
  • Are we showing mercy and forgiveness to those who may have strayed from God’s path?

May the Holy Spirit guide us in our discernment, helping us to be loving and compassionate fishers of souls. Let us embrace God’s grace and strive to be among the righteous who will one day rejoice in His eternal kingdom.

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