We approach Eastertime. The grace of Easter changes everything!
Mary Magdalene went in the predawn to the tomb of Jesus (John 20:1-18). It was dark. She found the tomb empty. We can only imagine shock added to her grief.
She ran to tell Peter and the beloved disciple that the body of Jesus had been removed from the tomb. They ran to the tomb. It was as Mary described, an empty tomb. The disciples left. Mary, weeping, remained in the garden.
Looking into the tomb, she saw angels. They asked why she wept. She replied that the body of the Lord had been removed. She asked a person she believed to be the gardener for help to find the body of her teacher and friend. He asked why she wept.
Maybe we can imagine her feelings, her confusion, her grief, and her loss. And now, to find the body missing must have left her distraught, a double sadness. She was intent on finding Him.
Our faith tells us that sometimes in the most unsettling circumstances, as we try to find our way, grace happens, insights deepen, values clarify, relationships comfort, communities support, families embrace, and prayer consoles.
The person she thought was the gardener calls Mary by name, and it was then, in being called by name, that she recognized Him as the Risen Lord Jesus. Astonishing revelation! It is a time of grace beyond imagining. We believe sorrow gives way to joy. The morning had turned out for Mary to be breathtakingly life-changing, gloriously grace-filled. And so it is for us, also.
Our prayer can, at times, be like Mary’s experience in the garden. We bring our feelings, our searching through darkness, for the One we know who loves us. We seek His friendship, the light of His life to comfort us.
Jesus calls us by name at our Baptism to new life in Him, the Risen Christ. Our life is in His Spirit. St. Paul wrote, “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…” (Galatians 5:22-23) We witness this life to everyone we meet. It is our way of caring for the world.
Jesus sent Mary the Magdalene to His followers to announce what had happened and what He said. In our Christian life, we share what happened and what He said. Her joyful words, “…I have seen the Lord...” (John 20:18) are our words to the world.
Like Mary of Magdala, we too have seen the Lord, in all who love us, in all we love. Once we have seen the Risen Lord in our lives through the eyes of faith, nothing is quite the same again. Time and eternity meet. In His prayer to the Father, Jesus assures us, “Now this is eternal life, that they should know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3)
Prayer to the Risen Christ in the Garden
Risen Lord,
Find me in the darkness.
Console my tears.
Heal my fears.
Open my heart.
Lift my spirit.
Help me listen.
Let me hear You call me by my name.
Help me see You—looking at me.
My friend and teacher,
You knew I would come to look for You.
You had faith in me.
And I found faith in You.
John Dacey is a retired Catholic high school teacher. He has taught Scripture, Ethics, and Social Justice. He enjoys being in the company of family, reading in the field of spirituality, and gardening. John and his wife have been married for more than 40 years and have two children and four grandchildren.