STOP … and IMAGINE the entire world praying the Rosary – with Pope Francis, no less – to end the Covid-19 pandemic!
We are joining the Holy Father’s call for daily Rosary prayer during the month of May and hope you and your family do as well … all to fulfill Venerable Patrick Peyton’s vision, “A world at prayer is a world at peace.”
Vatican News shared this hopeful news of the Pope’s Rosary and provided details: On May 1, Pope Francis will be broadcast live from the Gregorian Chapel of St. Peter’s Basilica at 6 p.m., Rome time. Each day will have a different intention. To share the intention each day, refer to the list, which also includes the complete Liturgical Guide and the Shrines participating in the month-long Rosary: Liturgical Guide.
In addition to our daily Rosary prayer with Pope Francis, we are calling upon every person around the globe to join our HAND IT TO MARY Campaign! You can make good use of all that time you are washing and sanitizing your hands! Every time you do, say TWO HAIL MARYS! Imagine, again, how many prayers will be said each and every day to lift us up and end this pandemic! Unimaginable numbers and unimaginable grace.
A Holy Cross Family Ministries team member, Loudette Banson, came up with the HAND IT TO MARY Campaign idea, while undergoing cancer treatments at a medical facility in the Philippines. She was reflecting on this news from Pope Francis and wanted to encourage people to start with two Hail Marys. We think it is exactly what Father Peyton would want us to do! We hope you do too. Watch her video message here.
And, don’t forget that you can join our LIVE streamed Rosary and daily Mass on our Family Rosary Facebook page every Monday through Friday, at 11:30 am ET from the Father Peyton Center in North Easton, Massachusetts, USA. All of our 26 ministry centers in 17 countries on five continents will be participating in this effort of wrapping the world in prayer! Please join us and spread the word to all your extended family and friends.
"The family that prays together stays together."
Venerable Patrick Peyton