How to Hear God Through the Static: Family Reflection Video
As I read and prayed about today’s first reading, even though it dates back over two thousand years, the message seemed fitting for today. Now, most of us don’t receive threatening letters from powerful kings or other world leaders. Still, we do encounter other challenges to our faith in God.
One reflection I read referred to one of these challenges as continuous the “static” that we’re
“bombarded” with every waking moment. The author cited being plugged into his cell phone as a prime means this type of distraction. I’d have to agree. Maybe you can relate as well. Once I’ve looked at my cell phone for the first time in the morning, it’s a constant temptation to check, respond, initiate messaging, and searches-online. It’s this type of interaction that can distract us from God’s presence and His messages to us.
But, there’s a second type of “static” that we may or may not notice. If you follow the news or talk with people who do, then you’re subject to countless stories that can lead to discouragement or even hopelessness. In today’s first reading, it’s intentional. King Sennacherib sends a letter to intimidate and demoralize King Hezekiah. He goes right at the foundation of Hezekiah’s life, his faith in God.
Often, we see stories where it looks like only the violent and powerful are getting their way. We might even have our own experiences that can challenge our faith in God. Sennacherib asks Hezekiah in the face of the destruction of many, “will you be saved?” Put another way; He’s telling Hezekiah, look at what’s happened to all the rest. And then asks, “what makes you think your God can save you?”
Hezekiah’s response isn’t to hide or capitulate but to go to God. He goes to the temple of the Lord. He spreads out the threatening message and prays in the presence of the Lord. In his prayer, Hezekiah confesses his firm faith in God and denies the power of the pagan and earthly kings as supreme. In the end, he prays, “O Lord, our God, save us from the power of this man, that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that you alone, O Lord, are God.”
My brothers and sisters, whatever static you’re experiencing today, the good news is that you’ve persevered like Hezekiah. You’ve come to the encounter the Lord in the celebration of the Mass. Perhaps you’ve been with us for the Rosary as well. And, in this holy time, God not only speaks but also hears our prayers, just like He heard Hezekiah’s.
May God bless you and your families this holy day!
- Father David's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
To view Rosary prayer and Mass streaming live, please visit our Facebook page at 11:30 am EDT, Monday – Friday. Please invite your loved ones to join us too! (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
About Father David Marcham
Reverend David S. Marcham is the Vice Postulator for the Cause of Venerable Patrick Peyton, and Director of the Father Peyton Guild, whose members pray for Father Peyton’s beatification and spread his message of the importance of Family Prayer. Prior to becoming a seminarian, Father David was a physical therapist and clinical instructor, serving hospital inpatients and outpatients throughout the greater Boston area for eleven years. In 1998 he heard the call to priesthood and was ordained in the Archdiocese of Boston in 2005. Father David grew up in Quincy, MA, and has fond memories of playing soccer, tennis and running track. You’re never without a friend when Father David is around, as he welcomes everyone into his circle with a smile on his face!