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Instagram-Proof Your Soul

By: Maria V. Gallagher on October 3rd, 2020

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Instagram-Proof Your Soul


Maria V. Gallagher outlines three ways to overcome envy on social media.

It was one of those days when I lingered too long on social media. I came across a post from a reality TV star who had just purchased her second vacation home.

I mused about how wonderful it would be to have a second vacation home. Or a vacation home. And there, between the breathtaking views of a lakefront hideaway, I found that old nemesis, Madame Envy, bubbling up into my consciousness.

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s second vacation home, or her first, or her Instagram feed … the list of things I was longing for seemed as endless as social media arguments over politics. The list just kept going, and going, and growing …

At this point, I clicked off Instagram, realizing that my dawdling had jeopardized my spiritual growth. Perhaps you, too, have seen a reappearance of Envy, lurking around your social media accounts.

I have come up with three ways to overcome envy spawned by a sojourn on social media. I hope these tips and tricks will help you as well. Together, maybe we can leave Madame Envy behind once and for all.

  • Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Each evening, as I examine my day, I think of the many blessings that have flooded not only my social media feed, but my offline life. It is difficult for me to complain when I think about my lovely daughter, my rewarding job, and my incredible friends. And that list doesn’t even include the occasional specialty coffee drink.
  • Strengthen my trust in the Lord. I recognize the fact that God has provided for me — exceedingly well — all my life. I do not have to become a luxury home lottery winner to hit the jackpot. I have found it — in God’s warm embrace. He knows exactly what I need, when I need it, and He provides it. What more could I ask for?
  • Place definite limits on my social media-gazing.Once I get caught up with work, family, and friends, it is time to sign off. Full stop. Mindless scrolling can eat away at my soul. Far better to have some face-to-face time with the ones I love, rather than spend time make-believe real estate shopping.

Is Envy lurking around your social media accounts? Try these 3 steps. #catholicmom

These steps may seem simple, but they have been profoundly helpful in saving me from the green-eyed monster that is Envy. I say goodbye to her with a click of my cursor and a prayer that God will grant me the serenity to accept the thought of vacation homes that I will never own, and the wisdom to know my lack of material wealth does not make me any poorer in His loving eyes.

Copyright 2020 Maria V. Gallagher

About Maria V. Gallagher

Maria V. Gallagher spends her days advocating for women, children, and families. She is the mother of a beautiful ballerina and a member of the worldwide Cursillo movement. In her spare time, Maria likes to blog, walk, sing, dance, and fill the room with laughter. Read her work at MariaVGallagher.com.