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Jesus, I Trust in You - Family Reflection Video

Jesus, I Trust in You - Family Reflection Video

Strengthening family unity  |  Return to the Church

Sometimes, after hearing someone’s confession, I’ll offer them the penance of sitting quietly, preferably before the Blessed Sacrament, with Rosary in hand, moving from bead to bead through all the decades, silently repeating, “Jesus, I trust in You.”

The sin confessed could have been of various types but coming down to a lack of trust in God: For example,

  • Hanging on to always wanting to be in control
  • Holding on to resentments
  • Doubting that God is going to help
  • Anger of all types

It seems so hard for some people to trust in God – particularly in our world now.

In the parable of the Wedding Feast of the King’s Son, the Lord lifts up high for all to see a great vision of what our life and human history is about, leading to its culmination: this great Wedding Feast of the King’s Son, the Lamb of God – while Our Lord very intentionally calls out the chief priests and the Pharisees: the leaders of the people.

Were they all bad? No. Many might have started out sincerely wanting to serve, but gradually they let themselves become lost, consumed in a social and political quagmire, trapped by their fears, pride or greed. Life then, like life now, is complicated. We get trapped in its complexity. But it doesn’t need to be like that.

Come to the Wedding Feast of the Lamb of God! The way there is not complicated: a journey of faith - growing and being transformed by grace through trust. On that journey, I’ve come to love this simple prayer practice of quietly repeating “Jesus, I trust in You.” Through it I come to observe how I resist turning my life to Christ so I can patiently let Christ untie the knot of self-centeredness. I suggest you give it a try too!

Mary, our Queen of Heaven and Undoer of Knots, is our model and guide: teaching us always to say YES to God as she did: helping us to arrive at the Wedding Feast of the Lamb where she awaits us.

  • To view Rosary prayer and Mass streaming live, please visit our Facebook page at 11:30 am EDT, Monday – Friday. Please invite your loved ones to join us too! (You don't need a Facebook account to view.) 

About Father Jim Phalan, C.S.C.

Father James Phalan, C.S.C., is a Catholic priest, member of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the National Director of Family Rosary. He served as a missionary for many years travelling the globe to help people come to Jesus through Mary as part of the Family Rosary team. Now he is happy to be serving back at home in the USA!