Easter is the highest point in the liturgical year as we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a Catholic mother, I celebrate Easter Sunday with my family and savor the joy of the day. It is all beautiful. But the Easter season lasts 50 days, and there is great reason for us to keep that spirit alive with both ourselves and our families.
Three Key Ways to Keep Easter Alive
Here are some easy ways families can continue to celebrate Easter throughout the next 50 days of the Easter season. These ideas help you and your family keep alive in your hearts and homes the joy of the resurrection and the joy of Jesus Christ.
Remember Your Lenten Sacrifices
Lent is one of the most beautiful times of the year to grow in faith through prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. Children can learn to love and experience the Lenten journey and begin to look forward to it when it comes around each year. With this said, keep those sacrifices in mind as you live each day in the Easter season, and do not be afraid to continue them.
Daily Prayers as a Family
Keep your prayers alive through the Easter season both individually and as a family. Take those great practices you and your family did to pray together and continue. Produce new ways to pray together and to acknowledge the joy of Easter and the joy of this time in 50 days of celebration as a family!
Keep the Joy Alive All Season
Part of Easter is the joy and the happiness we live in. This is a time as a family to revel in the goodness and spread it to all you meet. Keep your Easter decorations around, plant flowers, and wear colorful clothing to remind yourself of the Resurrection of Christ. Read Easter stories, pray together, and live in the joy of Christ.
Keep Easter alive today and always within and your family.