![Let No One Be Lonely!: Family Reflection Video](https://blog.familyrosary.org/hubfs/worship-picture-id1186936552.jpg)
Let No One Be Lonely!: Family Reflection Video
It’s truly a blessing for us to be together again as a family of prayer. The Lord’s family, His Mother, brothers, sisters. As such, we are really grateful to receive your prayer requests for our prayer together. We have a convenient way to share prayer – to send a request for prayer and to pray for others’ intentions on our website. Please go to www.familyrosary.org and click on the menu for prayer that will lead you to the page to write your prayer request.
I begin each day going to that page to see the prayer requests and to pray for them. Some are very heart wrenching. This past Friday there was one request that simply said “I’M LONELY”. The person who wrote it didn’t leave his name. He just wrote the initial “C”… This simple prayer from the heart has left me praying for him– and pondering. Isn’t it so that so many people are lonely… ESPECIALLY AT THIS TIME OF RESTRICTION AND CONFINEMENT… So many are left isolated, fearful … Lonely.
Who is my mother? Who are my brothers? …. Jesus is inviting us to be PART OF HIS FAMILY! Whoever does the will of my heavenly father… WHOEVER HEARS THE WORD AND PUTS IT INTO PRACTICE… Jesus himself is this living word… He calls us to open our hearts to receive HIM, HE WHO IS THE GOD OF LOVE. When we do we know that HE IS THE LIGHT WHO SHOWS THE WAY TO TRUE HAPPINESS, HOW TO WALK, HOW TO BE IN THE WORLD. He does not want anyone to feel lost and lonely.
Yet in fact so many have been feeling very lonely long before COVID. We have been creating a very lonely and isolated world, getting lost in ourselves and growing further and further from Jesus. The restrictions of COVID have only served to make that more acute! I am convinced that the Lord wants us Christians now, at this point of the pandemic TO BREAK OUT OF OUR OWN LONELINESS BY LETTING THAT GRACE IN WHICH WILL MOVE US TO BRING JESUS TO THE LOST AND LONELY. How? There are so many simple yet concrete ways JUST TO EXTEND LOVE! Look around you, in your own life! Jesus is reaching out to you. Take his hand. With Mother Mary, ask Him HOW CAN YOU BE HIS BROTHER, SISTER, HIS MOTHER bringing him to others. He calls you with Mother Mary, to GIVE BIRTH TO JESUS TODAY, TO the LOST AND LONELY YOU SEE RIGHT AROUND YOU?
Remember: please share your prayers with us at www.familyrosary.org
About Father Jim Phalan, C.S.C.
Father James Phalan, C.S.C., is a Catholic priest, member of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the National Director of Family Rosary. He served as a missionary for many years travelling the globe to help people come to Jesus through Mary as part of the Family Rosary team. Now he is happy to be serving back at home in the USA!