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Let Your Light Shine: Family Reflection Video

Let Your Light Shine: Family Reflection Video

Love thy Neighbor  |  Celebrating family life

“This little light of mine…”

A man brought home a glow in the dark gift for his wife, but when they tried it out, the statue did not glow. The wife checked the box, and found the answer: the statue would shine in the night only if it was kept in the light during the day.

If we want to shine with the light of Christ, we must remain in the light of Christ. We each already have this light in us, but to share it is what makes our shine special. We become a medium of Christ’s grace to enkindle the members of our family and community with the fire of his love. Our job is to keep shining.

Do we bring Christ’s light with us in all things? How do we share this with our families?

We pray for time with Jesus today, that we may strengthen out shine and bring our light to the world!

For additional reading: Today’s Gospel: The Parable of the Lamp

About Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C.

Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C. is from the Northeast India Province of Holy Cross. A native of Kerala, Father Jilson has been serving in a parish and school ministry since his ordination twelve years ago. He joins the Family Rosary team as an Assistant, while he works to study Pastoral Counseling in the Boston area. With a personal devotion to Mother Mary, Father Jilson is thrilled to be working to enhance family prayer through the Rosary. And if you ever need a listening ear or want to play a board game, Father Jilson’s your guy!