I recall when I was twelve or thirteen, my parents gave me a marvelous gift, a radio that received short wave broadcasts in addition to local stations. I was able to listen to programming originating at great distances from our part of the world. I was delighted.
Of modest means, I suspect my parents had to sacrifice a bit and save for a while to give me this special gift.
I learned a little about radio waves and broadcast frequency. I became aware of global time zones and grew in the realization that the world was more expansive and diverse than I had previously imagined. To hear voices travel thousands of miles over invisible waves was fascinating for me.
Before the era of digital tuning, searching for broadcast signals was an exercise in fine adjustment. Headphones on, I would gently turn the dial to obtain the precise point for clearest reception.
Sometimes I would purposely seek out a faint station hoping to hear from where they were broadcasting. The farther away, the more fun it was to discover the signal’s origin.
I have no idea how many hours I enjoyed listening to that radio, attentively seeking an almost limitless variety of voice, message, and sound.
I think it is a great gift to have the opportunity to practice listening. I remain so very grateful.
Not that long ago, and for a number of years, I had a lengthy car commute to school. I would leave our house before sunrise, and as I was still a fan of radio, I listened to local news and, of course, traffic reports.
One of my frequent play stations would broadcast the Rosary during the morning twilight.
The prayer was always a consolation to me, no matter how arduous the drive.
The Rosary prayer is an invitation to listen carefully, attentively, seeking the Lord’s purpose in our lives.
The Rosary prayer is a signal of God’s love for all of humanity, His saving action in history, His presence in every moment. It is also a meditation on the grace-filled role of the Mother of Jesus, whose faithfulness and courage brought God’s Word to live among us.
“Seek the LORD while he may be found, call him while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:6)
As we look forward to October, the Month of the Holy Rosary, let us pray in our families with attentive listening.