We have all heard Julie Andrews sing about her favorite things. Isn’t that song such a great collection of personal love?
And we’re not just talking about material things; the sounds and smells and feeling of warmth or laughter definitely qualify as favorite things too. Maybe being in a certain place, or even with a special someone fills you with that love that makes it your favorite. That is really the base of it -favorites are what we love. Whether it be love within us or love around us, there is a special feeling that makes you decide this is your favorite.
A great thing is you don’t always have to wait for them; sometimes they just pop up, like when asked “what was your favorite part of your day?” Reflection on this question points out that God places little good things around us to highlight the ordinary as a possibility. The possibility to be more than just a regular day; to be full of love if we let it. How can we let that feeling in more often?
I’ve been reflecting this Advent season on those little favorites through the year and I am filled with love when…
The sun is out. Literally makes the day brighter.
I accomplish something. Laundry. A project. New recipe. A book.
In a deep sleep. Just because I’m not awake doesn't mean I don’t experience it.
The color pink. Looking at it, noticing all its shades and variations.
Watching family videos. We are hilarious.
Eating ice cream. What a great food. I’m so glad it was invented.
There are definitely many more of these, but I want to hear from you. We all have a song of favorite things –hopefully yours is long and you get to experience a few things on it every day. What are a few things that fill you with love? What does a favorite feel like to you?