Every day has a series of deadlines to meet. What are some of yours?
The United States is coming up on a big deadline: filing taxes. While we all know the deadline for tax season is coming up, there are many deadlines we know nothing about. Our last days on earth are shrouded in so much mystery, but we can prepare by living each day with Jesus and for his mission.
The man who lived a lavish life was filling his mind, schedule, and surroundings to the point of distraction and couldn’t see what was truly important until it was too late. How often do we say that we will do something later, or tomorrow, or the next week, that we just can’t right now…we are “so busy”? Jesus teaches us the important things we should focus on aren’t on any to do list.
How distracted do we get with our daily deadlines? Are we doing our best to live for the Lord?