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Message to Families: Say It More!

By: Kate O'Hare on March 26th, 2024

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Message to Families: Say It More!

Virtues  |  Parenting  |  family life


Why are the simplest things the hardest things to say? It boggles the mind to think of how many headaches and heartaches might have been avoided with an apology, a request for help, or a bit of gratitude. 

But like the cup of coffee left on the roof of the car, or the one thing you went to the drugstore for, which is the one thing you didn’t get—or even that birthday greeting that never got sent—we all could use a reminder. 




So, thanks to Pope Francis for doing just that. 

Back in 2015, he delivered a homily in which he focused on three things families should say more often: “May I?”, “Thank you,” and “Pardon me.” Here’s an excerpt: 

They are simple expressions, but not so simple to put into practice! They hold much power: the power to keep home life intact even when tested with a thousand problems. But if they are absent, little holes can start to crack open and the whole thing may even collapse …  

So these three key expressions for family life are really simple words; so simple that perhaps they even bring a smile to our face. But when we forget them, it’s no laughing matter, right? Perhaps we overlook our good manners too often. May the Lord help us to put them back where they belong: in our hearts, in our homes, and in our civic life. These are the words that truly enter into the love of a family. (General Audience, May 13, 2015)


This got us thinking about all sorts of things that families should say more, little phrases that could avoid conflict, salve hurt feelings, mend fences, and head off meltdowns (from kids and parents). 

The pope had three phrases, but we expanded the list to five of our own: "I love you," "Thank you," "I'm sorry," "Can I help?" and "I need you." 

And that’s how Say It More came to be. 




Delivering these messages are adorable line drawings of family groupings of familiar North American animals, both big and small, found in the wild, and our backyards: bears, porcupines, chipmunks, chickadees, and otters. 

Not only are the animal moms, dads, and kids just too cute, they’re posed in a way that expresses the meaning of the phrase. 

The images are available as downloadable coloring pages.

Each family member can make up their own stories to go with the pictures, but here’s one of mine: 

Chipmunks and “I’m sorry”: Is the baby chipmunk sorry for eating all the acorns, or are the parents sorry for overreacting and grounding him in the hole in the log? Hmmm … (love the little pink feet). 




Now, your interpretation of the drawings may be entirely different—and that’s the beauty of Say It More. Each family sees our critters in its own way. 

If you go to SayItMore.org, you’ll find the homily, a way to share your own stories, and links to free ebooks to spark family discussion. 

And these illustrations are also available for billboards around the country. If you see one, let us know! 


Learn more at SayItMore.org


Download Say It More coloring pages


Have you seen the Say It More billboards or enjoyed the ebooks and coloring pages with your family? Share your thoughts in the comment box below the author's bio.

Copyright 2024 Kate O'Hare for Family Theater Productions
Images: copyright 2024 Family Theater Productions, all rights reserved.

About Kate O'Hare

Based in Los Angeles, Kate O'Hare is a veteran entertainment journalist, social-media manager for Catholic production company Family Theater Productions, and a screenwriter.