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Pie Slices

By: Guest blogger on September 22nd, 2016

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Pie Slices

SliceOfPie.pngFrequently I make poor decisions about how I spend my time. If I showed you a pie chart that represented my daily activities, you would notice the pie slice representing sleep is often a bit too small and the pie slice representing TV or shopping is often a bit too big!

I know I feel better when I exercise … but do I make time for it? It seems very logical as I write this but it’s more difficult to put it into practice for some reason. I know I feel more peaceful, joyful and grateful when I pray … but do I make time for it? How can I encourage and nurture my family’s faith if I am not being the best role model for them? This should be a no-brainer decision, as they say!

In one of my favorite books, “The Rhythm of Life,” author Matthew Kelly writes, “There is only one question: Will what you are about to do help you become the best-version-of-yourself? If the answer to that question is ‘Yes,’ do it without hesitation.”

I wrote that down on a piece of paper and taped it to my bathroom mirror. It’s a great reminder to start each day. And every day is a new chance to redesign my “pie chart.” I want each day to represent what is most important to me. For me personally, that’s my faith, family and health.

Perhaps you have dealt with the same struggle and have come up with tips and ideas that work for you. If so, please comment and share! It would certainly help me and perhaps other readers too.

May God bless you and your family!