I walked into my first university class fifty years ago, an introductory course in Philosophy. I found a desk near the back of the classroom, took out a pen and notebook, and prepared to take copious notes. I was eager to learn the “love of wisdom.” Other students arrived, chose their desks, and waited with anticipation.
The professor appeared, placed his notes on the podium, approached the chalkboard, and drew a very large question mark. He then announced that “asking a question” was the most powerful tool in our pursuit of an education.
I think that our ability to pose a thoughtful question is a fundamental communication skill, essential for building wisdom and relationships.
Some questions are routine information gathering, and others are life-changing. “How was your day?” “What is the faithful and loving thing to do in this situation?”
The questions we ask our children show interest, love, and help them reflect on their own experience. As our children grow and mature over the years, we tailor what we ask to support their growth. Our questions can encourage their search for meaning, sense of responsibility, creativity, and insight. How we ask can help young people interpret, empathize, evaluate, and plan.
Carefully crafted questions help us gather our thoughts and feelings, allowing us to sift through circumstances, intentions, and values. Like looking through a lens, a question can help us focus and get perspective.
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) The invitation to pray is as if the Lord is asking us, “Do you have any questions?”
In the Gospels, Jesus asked questions of his listeners that helped them focus on what they most needed. A favorite of mine is, “What do you want me to do for you?” (Mark 10:51b)
The Lord is present with us when we pray with our families, and together, in faith, we recognize that He welcomes our questions, blesses our intentions, and lovingly guides how we live our lives.
“One thing I ask of the LORD;
this I seek:
To dwell in the LORD’S house
all the days of my life …”
(Psalm 27:4)
Prayerful questions leave us open to the Lord’s wisdom. What are your family’s questions for Him in these challenging times?