My hands clasped tightly together, I knelt at the foot of my bed in desperate prayer. I was approached by a non-religious friend who in her own way asked me how I pray, who I pray to, and why I pray.Immediately my defenses went up and an unorganized train of responses flew out of my mouth as fast as the breeze whips across a sea of flat golden plains. I felt an overwhelming weight from these questions because I had never been asked why I actively pray … I just did.
Catholic practices, teachings and prayer simply came naturally to me. As I grew up living and breathing the ins and outs of what it meant to be a good Catholic daughter, sister, friend and student, it was second nature. I mirrored my parents’ humble bowing to pray before dinner and chanted along to prayers with my siblings before bedtime.
I hadn’t ever truly taken time to deeply think about what I was doing. So when someone “challenged” why my faith was rooted in prayer, I didn’t have an answer.
I carried these questions with me. And suddenly I was more aware of my daily spiritual practices and prayers. It made me think twice before I simply went through the motions of kneeling, folding my hands together, and praying to the One whom I choose to give my life.
Challenge from others can be good. It allows you to reflect on what you’re doing and leads to a greater understanding of what you believe. So … why do you pray?
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