How can the weight stay the same, but the heaviness change?
A professor held up a glass of water to his class and asked the students how much it weighed. They shouted out answers until he asked how it could hurt him. The students said if he held the glass up for too long, his arm would ache, and he would feel pain. They said the weight of glass would be the same, but his holding on to it would hurt his arm.
We hear of how Herod sought out Jesus today. He wanted to know who this man was, why people flocked to him, but he does not understand about putting his actions down at the feet of Jesus. The people who followed Jesus carried heavy burdens in their hearts, and knew they could lift the burden by bringing them to Jesus. It is a matter of asking the right question: what can Jesus do? Are we willing to set down our glasses filled with the burdens of past sins, pain, numbness, and suffering to grow in relationship with Him?
Pray today for healing of those who need their suffering lifted. Jesus, lift their burdens!