![Stay awake! - Family Reflection Video](https://blog.familyrosary.org/hubfs/freedom-picture-id1179218013.jpg)
Stay awake! - Family Reflection Video
As we celebrate today the memorial of St. Monica who was spiritually awake herself but struggled a long time for her son Augustine to awaken him spiritually, Jesus, in today’s Gospel invites us to “stay awake!” Perhaps this profound message is significant today, as we are stressed out by the pandemic.
As I navigated through the passage, several thoughts came to my mind: some baffling and mystifying, and some provoking and electrifying. Baffling and mystifying because they nudged and awakened my spiritual vulnerabilities and interior dispositions. Provoking and electrifying because they called me to action to prevent the “thieves” from breaking into my house: my spiritual life.
The master whose house was broken into by a thief indicates the peril of spiritual lethargy. If we are spiritually lethargic, we may fulfill our spiritual duties, but miss the bus like the disciples who hiked to the mountaintop with Jesus, but almost missed the transfiguration! We may be physically present with the Lord as the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane who nodded off even after Jesus implored them to stay awake. So, how can we “stay awake” to fight the “thieves” that steal away our inner freedom, our peace, and our relationships with one another? How can we stay awake to recognize God’s presence in our midst and understand everything He does for our daily flourishing?
Perhaps, the faithful and prudent servant who had the household in order when his master returned has the answer. “Keep your household in order.” Only that will indicate that we are awake. “Staying awake” with Jesus, requires spiritual acuity, attentiveness, and synchronization of spirituality and action. It requires seeing the world through God’s eyes, perceiving what God perceives. It takes a passionate spiritual attentiveness to perceive the movement of the spirit, to hear the whispers of God’s grace, to discern Hispresence and power within and among us, and to identify His call to action. It takes persuasion and commitment to develop our interior life, the life of the spirit, the life of love, grace, forgiveness, mercy, justice, and hope. As we practice spiritual attentiveness, we begin to see the world differently. We begin to see our family and our relationships differently! When we stay awake, we become alive. So, “Stay attentive!” “Stay awake” to the people in our family and their needs; to God at work within us and those around us. “Stay awake!” “Listen to Him” Enjoy the peace, joy, and forgiveness He offers us today.
- Father Jilson's inspirational homily was recorded live this morning during Mass at the Father Peyton Center. Please view the video on our Facebook page. (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
- To view Rosary prayer and Mass streaming live, please visit our Facebook page at 11:30 am EDT, Monday – Friday. Please invite your loved ones to join us too! (You don't need a Facebook account to view.)
About Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C.
Father Jilson Tom, C.S.C. is from the Northeast India Province of Holy Cross. A native of Kerala, Father Jilson has been serving in a parish and school ministry since his ordination twelve years ago. He joins the Family Rosary team as an Assistant, while he works to study Pastoral Counseling in the Boston area. With a personal devotion to Mother Mary, Father Jilson is thrilled to be working to enhance family prayer through the Rosary. And if you ever need a listening ear or want to play a board game, Father Jilson’s your guy!