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The Blessed Mother Walked with Me

By: Margaret Dwyer Hogan on October 6th, 2024

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The Blessed Mother Walked with Me

family prayer  |  The-Rosary-In-Our-Hands

I start every day with a Rosary before I do anything else and ask the Blessed Mother to "right order" my day.  She never fails in this task. I started this as a young adult by invitation.  

At 32 years of age, I had it all. Daily prayer was not part of my routine, let alone the Rosary. I had a flourishing career and had just married the love of my life and moved to his hometown in Massachusetts.  

Our newlywed world quickly turned upside down. My sweet 21-year-old nephew Joe died tragically in a car accident. My father was given a terminal diagnosis and entered hospice six months later — 900 miles away in Michigan. 

I volunteered at our parish for a program they were launching for teens. I had never done youth ministry before but wanted to honor my nephew's memory somehow. He was such a beautiful soul. 


The Blessed Mother Walked with Me


Pray the Rosary


Mary Jo, the youth minister, met with me and hearing of our situation, encouraged me to pray the Rosary. Working full time in Boston, and desperate for peace of mind, I memorized one Mystery a week from a laminated card published by Holy Cross Family Ministries. Slowly, through learning each Mystery, I allowed the Blessed Mother to walk with me, guide me, and console me. Joe and Dad were just the first we said goodbye to — we buried five immediate family members in the first five years of our marriage.  

During those five years, we welcomed two healthy babies, juggled work full time and provided onsite hospice care for those we loved. Each day I simply asked the Blessed Mother to help me get through the day. 

My mother was the last we buried. She was diagnosed in August and went to her eternal rest on the holiest night of the year, Christmas Eve. Our third child was born six days later. We named her “Grace Mary” in honor of the Blessed Mother. 

I realized during my last visit with my mom in November of 2002 that the Blessed Mother had been preparing me to pray with my mother. My baby was due in five weeks, and the doctor told me it was my final trip to Michigan. I often saw a Rosary in Mom’s purse when I was growing up, but I don’t remember praying it with her. Here she was in her final days, too weak to speak. Mom simply gazed at me as I prayed the Rosary for both of us. 


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The Rosary connects heaven and earth. Mary walks with us, Jesus guides us, and we discern what is important — and what is not. For me, it was the first step in my full return to the Catholic Church and the Sacraments, of surrendering my life to Jesus. We were blessed with a 4th child a few years later, Elizabeth. A beautiful, unexpected gift.  

I consider it my personal mission to invite others to the Rosary, as Mary Jo did for me so many years ago. Join us in this mission! 


Venerable Patrick Peyton, known as "The Rosary Priest," devoted his priestly life to encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. This October, for the Month of the Holy Rosary, Family Rosary (an apostolate founded by Father Peyton) and Catholic Mom have teamed up for this daily series dedicated to the Rosary.


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About Margaret Dwyer Hogan

Margaret Dwyer Hogan is Manager for Catholic Mom. A wife, mom of four children, and former Director of Religious Education at two parishes, Margaret resides in Easton, Massachusetts. She also works with International Family Rosary to promote Rosary prayer in families using the children's Chapters of the Peyton Prayer Guild in 17 countries.