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The Chair of Peter — Weekday Homily Video

The Chair of Peter — Weekday Homily Video

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When Pope Pius IX died in 1878 after 32 years, he would be the longest papal reign since Saint Peter himself. It appears the cardinal electors wanted to choose a relatively older person to succeed him. They elected 68-year-old Cardinal Pecci, thinking he would only last a few years. However, on his 90th birthday, when a nun toasted Pope Leo XIII by shouting, “Holy Father, may you live to be 100,” the pope exclaimed, “Why put limits on God?” When he returned to the Father’s House in 1903, he celebrated 25 years as pope.  

This feast of the Chair of St. Peter is our family celebration.



The Holy Trinity is a community of Divine love, a family of Love. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church is a family of families in Christ. We honor the special vocation conferred by Christ on Peter as Father, Papa, and Pope, of our Church family on earth. Saint Peter began an unbroken line to his 266th successor, Pope Francis.


Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter, Apostle


We also celebrate today, the unity of the Church, founded upon the Apostle Peter, and we use this occasion to renew our obedience to the teaching authority of the Holy Father. We embrace the truths solemnly defined ex-cathedra from the Chair, as well as obedience to the ordinary teaching of the pope on faith and morals. Peter, the chair's first occupant, stumbled a bit, denying Jesus three times and hesitating to welcome Gentiles into the Body of Christ.

Some later occupants of the Chair of Saint Peter also stumbled, sometimes scandalously. So, this feast reminds us that the Vicar of Christ needs the prayerful support of all Christians, especially Catholics. This feast also gives us the occasion to thank God for the extraordinary run of good and holy popes of the past two centuries. 


Good and Holy Popes 


Blessed Pius IX - who defined the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, convoked the First Vatican Council.  

Pope Leo XIII - {1878-1903} defended workers' rights and wrote eleven encyclicals on the Family Rosary and prayer. He is the first pope to appear on film and the first to ride in a motorcar. 

Pope Saint Pius X {1903-1914} is considered one of the great popes of all time for his efforts to renew all things in Christ.  

Venerable Pope Pius XII {1939-1958}  

Pope Saint John XXIII {1958-1963}  

Saint Paul VI {1963-1978}  

Blessed Pope John Paul I {1978} - the smiling pope.  

Saint Pope John Paul II {1978-2005} - the Great! 

Pope Benedict XVI {2005-1013} - Magnificent Teacher, oldest pope ever, dying at age 96.  


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About Father Willy Raymond, C.S.C.

Father Wilfred J. Raymond, C.S.C. (Father Willy), a native of Old Town, Maine, is the eighth of 12 children. He joined the Congregation of Holy Cross in 1964 and was ordained to the priesthood in 1971. He earned a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Stonehill College in 1967 and a master’s in Theology from the University of Notre Dame in 1971. He served in ministry at Stonehill College (1979-1992), Holy Cross leadership (1994-2000), National Director of Family Theater Productions, Hollywood (2000-2014), and President of Holy Cross Family Ministries (2014-2022). In addition to English, he is conversant in French and Spanish. He remains a diehard fan of the Boston Red Sox, even though he has served as Chaplain for the Los Angeles Dodgers.