We had the blessing of time with family during this past Christmas. We brought food and gift bags to the celebration at one such gathering. When we got to the house, one of our young grandsons rushed to meet us at the door and enthusiastically asked if he could help us carry what we had in our arms. I didn’t need the help, but his generous spirit immediately prompted me to give him what I was holding.

Before the meal, the host asked if we wanted to help ourselves or be served at our table places. The youngest grandson immediately replied, “I want to be served.” His spontaneous choice was simply beautiful. Someone brought him his plate. He was happy.
The Gifts We Hold
For a few more days, we are still enjoying the glow of the Christmas liturgical season. It may be a good time to think about how we serve each other and what gifts we hold that we pass on to our children. What gifts do we most want to give them? While there are material gifts we can give that are treasured, there are also the many ways we try to help our children to form character, their faith, capacity for love and compassion, desire for peace, sense of social justice, and the resource of prayer. Guided by the Spirit’s grace, these are gifts of light and joy.
These gifts will give light to their life path and joy to their soul.
As the children grow and become adults, they will carry these gifts with them for the rest of their lives and give them to others. In this way, we collaborate with the great mystery of the Incarnation. It is the deepest level of Christmas Spirit – God’s love for us – God with us. It is how we serve the reign of God.
Giving and Serving
Jesus’ mission embraced the world, proclaiming God’s reign and inviting those who could hear and see God’s purpose to continue His work to love and to serve.
“Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16)
Family gatherings, in all their different forms, large and small, are occasions of engagement with the love, gifts, and service we share.
Let us pray with our families this New Year for the gift of service to one another.