Saint Pope John Paul II said, “The Gospel of Life is at the heart of Jesus’ message.”
“I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” John 10:10
Vatican Council II specifically condemns crimes and attacks against human life. It noted these acts poison human society and are a supreme dishonor to the Creator.
The presence of God in humanity through Jesus has raised the dignity and value of all human life … yet there are so many ways life is opposed, the integrity of the human person is disrespected and human dignity is insulted in our world today.
How do we embrace the Gospel of Life? Certainly by prayer, but also by doing all we can morally to oppose the culture of death and the destruction of human life in all its stages.
You might want to discuss examples of ways life is opposed, disrespected or insulted. Then come up with some ideas for how you and your family can be part of bringing about a new culture of life.
May your family home be a place where all life is blessed, cherished and honored.