The Kingdom of God - Weekday Homily Video
Who doesn’t like fireworks? Seeing those lights shooting through the dark sky, exploding into a multi-colored ball of gigantic sparks, is always fascinating.
It seems that many Christians would like Christianity to be as full of surprises and as entertaining as a fireworks show. Many people desire dramatic events to occur in order to raise awareness about developments in the Christian community. However, it often seems as though not much is happening—at least nothing that would make headlines in newspapers. This leaves people asking in dismay, "Why not?"
The answer to this question can be found in the Gospel of Luke. During Jesus’ time, some Pharisees were searching for the Kingdom of God, anticipating dramatic signs or events. However, Jesus explains to them that the Kingdom of God is not about spectacle; it is already present among them. This Kingdom can be compared to a conversion experience that, although not flashy, profoundly changes one’s destiny forever.
God as Ruler of Our Hearts
“The Kingdom of God is within you” says Jesus. Immediately, it tells us that God‘s Kingdom is not a territorial jurisdiction. It is within us when we allow God to reign and rule in our hearts. It is within us when we allow Jesus to walk with us, and when we decide to walk with Him wherever, whenever, and however he wants to.
In the Lord’s prayer, we pray, “Hallowed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as in heaven.” God‘s Kingdom is where God‘s will is perfectly done on earth as in heaven.
Sometimes, we are so graced to experience God‘s Kingdom. In intense prayer, where there is nothing but quiet, wherein God possesses us, and we possess God. It is an exclusive presence of the ME and my GOD. For me, this is a foretaste of God‘s Kingdom. It is so sweet an experience with a God who loves us most.
An abbot was asked by his monks, “Father, we want to see miracles like the early fathers and the saints performed.” He replied, “When you correct and instruct an ignorant person in the faith, you are doing something better than healing broken limbs. When you give out of your scant possessions, you do a greater miracle than multiplying bread. When you change persons from sin to new life, you are doing a thing greater than raising a person back from the dead.”
Where God Reigns
The Kingdom is where God reigns. We should reflect on who or what reigns in our hearts, minds, and souls. To which Kingdom do we belong? What King are we following?
Do you believe that God’s Kingdom is a reality that is present today and also something that will unfold in the fullness of time?
- Father Boby's inspirational homily was recorded live during Mass at the Father Peyton Center this morning. You can view the Mass (and the Rosary at the 30-minute mark) on the Family Rosary YouTube page.
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About Father Boby John, C.S.C.
Father Boby John, C.S.C., ordained a priest in the Congregation of Holy Cross in 2008, worked as a pastor and as an educator with tribal populations in Northeast India for thirteen years. Originally from Kerala, India, Father Boby grew up with three siblings. He is a dedicated and detailed educationist with experience in educational leadership. He is currently working as an executive assistant at the world headquarters of Holy Cross Family Ministries, North Easton, Massachusetts.