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The Power of One “Yes” to God

The Power of One “Yes” to God

Seasonal Reflections  |  Advent series

Dear Friends in Faith,

Advent 2020 begins Sunday, November 29. We invite you to journey to Bethlehem and the celebration of Christmas with our Family Rosary family.

Let’s face it: Christmas this year is going to be different than we might have expected or preferred! But that doesn’t make it any less bright.

The surprising birth of Emmanuel, “God with us”, laid in a manger in the cold of winter, is proof that the Lord truly wants to be with us ... especially at times like these.

The restrictions of this past year have led many people to return to what is most important in life and to find Him. Many families have come to appreciate much more their life together. Now, perhaps a simpler holiday season will lead us to rediscover what Advent and Christmas are really about!

During Advent, we are invited to wait in hope with our Mother Mary who pondered deeply what Christ’s coming meant for us. She wants to help us to open hearts to joy and new life in Christ who desires to be born among us NOW.

Journey with us as we ponder The Power of Mary’s YES to God

Mary of Nazareth, fully aware that God was calling her to something hugely challenging, BELIEVED and boldly said YES. Joseph, in the dark of night, listened to God’s messenger in dreams and thus he could guide his family. Old man Simeon believed that he would see the Light of Salvation, simply because he knew that God is trustworthy. All said YES to God.

Particularly at this moment in your life, with all its challenges, how is the Lord inviting you, CALLING you, to say YES to Him?  

Mary’s YES has shaped human history. Through it, God initiated His New Creation. Your YES may remain less known, but through it, God will shape your life and lead you to Himself.

Walk this Advent Journey and you will surely know the light and peace of the coming of Christ into your heart and home—even this Christmas!

Let us help you as we ponder together. Our digital family will be offering you and your family many resources to help you celebrate Advent and Christmas, perhaps as you have never done before. Keep an eye on:




Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too. We'll be using #PowerOfOneYes, #MarysYes and #Advent.

Our Founder, Venerable Patrick Peyton taught The Family that Prays Together Stays Together. Let’s be one big family praying together – the Church – for Christmas 2020.  

About Fr. James Phalan, C.S.C.

Father James Phalan, C.S.C. is a Catholic priest, member of the Congregation of the Holy Cross, and the National Director of Family Rosary. He served as a missionary for many years as part of the Family Rosary team, travelling the globe to help people come to Jesus through Mary. Now he is happy to be serving back at home in the USA!