It was one of my first efforts of evangelization as a new priest.
One evening, I went to pick up a takeout order when a man at the restaurant suddenly said “You must be the new priest.” I was indeed, and asked if he was a parishioner. The man told me he had no use in going to church. He explained: his brother was an usher at the church and was always telling him he wasn’t a good enough person for not going, meanwhile the brother was the one living a double life.
Jesus gets to the heart of hypocrisy today when he calls out the Pharisees and scribes for teaching rituals that had lost meaning, but disregarded God’s commandment. He is pointing out the need for action and word to be grounded in the Word of God. Family members especially, have this power in witnessing faith in God to one another. The powerful negative reaction to hypocrisy is the positive draw of a life transformed by following Jesus.
Do you set a good example for your family? Do others see God reflected in you?
May God bless your families today and may we help bring our families closer to God through the lives we live!