As an adult convert, one of the most thrilling and surprising aspects of Catholicism is the enjoyment I experience from practicing and learning about my faith. It’s like an infinite spiritual playground that continues to evolve and unfold, which leads to deeper and more profound personal experiences.
The Rosary has been one of those growing spiritual journeys for me (and maybe for you, too). Until a few years ago, my perception of the Rosary was that praying it was what “good Catholics” did. So I did, too; I prayed the Rosary with a group, but rarely on my own.
Just as Mary draws us closer to herself and her Son, she has worked her motherly “magic” on me, too! I’ve been praying it nearly every day over the last six months, which is a miracle for this girl who has a tendency to think, “I don’t have enough time.”

Just One Decade
It started with just one decade, and now, most days, I pray a full Rosary and look forward to it. This blows my mind. I have an affection and fondness for a few mysteries in particular. I hope my insights may add some richness to your prayer experience.

The Transfiguration
The Transfiguration, one of the Luminous mysteries, gets me excited every single time.
I imagine being Peter in a state of extreme wonderment and excitement. (Honestly, I don’t know if that’s how Peter felt, but go with me.) There he is on a mountain with Jesus, who starts glowing right in front of his eyes. Wow! And then, Moses and Elijah appear! He must’ve been thinking, “Can this get any better?”
Peter has just become a guest at the ultimate party of parties. I imagine Peter dumbfounded, not wanting the party to end, and then he offers to build three tents for everyone to remain there. I’m excited just reminiscing about it!
The Visitation
Another emotional mystery for me is the Visitation, one of the Joyful Mysteries. I often catch myself marveling at the many blessings in my life when I meditate on it.
As I pray about this Mystery, I imagine how Elizabeth must have felt (overwhelmed with gratitude and disbelief in feeling so loved) when she says, “And how does this happen to me?” (Luke 1:43)
Like her, each time I pray this mystery, I am astounded at what the Lord has done with my life, which was completely void of any conscious thought or interest in God.
Now, here I am writing about my favorite Rosary mysteries and the joy they bring me! How does this happen to me that I am so blessed?
The Wedding Feast at Cana
Finally, to sum up how powerfully simple the Lord’s teachings are, let’s turn to the Wedding Feast at Cana, another Luminous mystery.
I love this one for its simple direction for life. Mary’s words to “do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5) are the only five words we need to live by.
I’ve grown to know the Rosary not as an obligatory rote prayer but as a living, personal encounter with our Blessed Mother and Jesus.
I pray you will have the same experience.
Venerable Patrick Peyton, known as "The Rosary Priest," devoted his priestly life to encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. This October, for the Month of the Holy Rosary, Family Rosary (an apostolate founded by Father Peyton) and Catholic Mom have teamed up for this daily series dedicated to the Rosary.