By: Susan Wallace on October 7th, 2021
Through sharing, pain and joy, my family grows closer
Sharing. We see young children not wanting to share their toys, but we adults have our struggles with sharing as well. Sometimes in unexpected ways. At this time in my life, it would seem that sharing would not be an issue; however, I think it is a challenge all our lives. However, through sharing, both the pain and the joys, we grower closer to each other with the grace of God.
When I was a young mother, I encountered significant struggles in my life that began with the death of my second child, Marcy Anne, when she was five weeks old. It was, of course, an extremely difficult time. My marriage ended. I was bereft. I was struggling to get through each day. My first child, Leanne, was three years old at the time and she was my reason to get up and get going each day. I was going through the motions and trying to find my way.
My family was so supportive. They knew when I needed to be alone, when I needed someone to listen, and when I needed help. I will quickly admit, I did not “want” help. I felt I was an adult and should be able to manage my life on my own. Imagine. I was 27 years old, had just lost a child, my marriage ended, I had to sell the “dream home” we built and was soon going to need to get a job. And, I thought I “should” be able to manage all this on my own. But, I did believe that in my head and I felt like a burden to my family because I couldn’t.
My mother sat with me one difficult day and explained that she and my dad, and all my family, were struggling with me. They were mourning with me. They needed to share the pain with me. By allowing them to help me, I was allowing them to put their prayer into action. In fact, she told me, I was giving them a gift by sharing my struggles with them.
This was definitely a very startling new perspective on being a burden to my family. My mother’s wisdom in a millisecond changed the entire dynamic for me and my family. That brief visitation moment changed many moments to come. I embraced the support of my family. We actually found some joy in life when I thought I would never experience joy again. I allowed them to love Leanne as much as I did. I did not have to do it all. I allowed them to love me. I had to let go of my possessive, protective love for Leanne and allow others in for Leanne’s benefit and ultimately mine.
It was during this time in my life that I began getting closer and closer to the Blessed Mother. It was when I began praying the Rosary. I knew Mary knew my suffering. I knew she had words of wisdom just as my earthly mother did. It was providential that I was growing my relationship with the Blessed Mother as a short time after my own mother died unexpectedly. I, and I think my family, thought I would fall apart when she died. I, however, did not. I was stronger in my faith. I was more confident in the grace of God to see me through. I did have my moments, but I did not despair. God, through my relationship with the Blessed Mother, lifted me up unexpectedly during this time.
Over the years, my love of Mary has also opened my eyes to reflect on Joseph as well. I think about how his life was not the “white picket fence” kind of life either. I can imagine Joseph had his plan. A young man thinking about his future, planning to get married and start a family. His acceptance helps me understand the peace we can gain through the grace of God. How does one love, guide and protect The Mother of God and The Son of God. Through prayer. Lots of prayer. So, I too will follow his model. Prayer for peace and persistence through all the struggles. Prayer of thanksgiving for the joys. Always sharing both through the grace of God.
Today, my daughter, Leanne, is the mother of two boys. Her husband, Andrew, is kind and generous and shares his family with me abundantly. My sisters, his parents and sisters, so many of us share these two adorable children. I continue to pray and to learn to love without possessiveness. We are truly blessed.
This October, the Month of the Rosary, “Go to Joseph.” Grow in the faith with your family. Global Prayer Campaign filled with videos, eBooks, podcasts, prayers, reflections, social posts, everything you need for a rich, faith-filled month.