I have found that seeking God’s will in our everyday experience takes time – to trust and reflect. Sometimes this approach stretches our patience and our willingness to wait and learn. It is a grace for which to pray.
This time last summer, after about a year without canine companionship, we felt it was time to get another dog. We considered if it was wise to embark (pun intended) on this journey again. After many conversations, we committed to adopting a dog from a rescue shelter.
Patiently caring for an animal draws on our strengths and limitations. I’ve thought that having a dog is like having a farm with one animal. It entails a significant amount of work.
Having a dog is not for everyone. Caring for our world can take many forms. We learn about ourselves when we care for something or someone else, whether a plant, a garden, an animal, the people in our lives, or whatever dimension of creation.
“Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect…” (Laudato Si, para. 42)
Casey, our Brittany, is a delightful companion. He is evidence of creation’s exuberant energy. He energizes us and keeps us smiling. His funny antics give us a glimpse of how God’s humor shines in our world.
“How varied are your works, LORD!
In wisdom you have made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.”
Psalm 104:24
Casey enthusiastically welcomes our guests, particularly our children and grandchildren. We have learned how to read his way of telling us what should happen next.
I’m not sure if we rescued him or if he rescued us. Maybe both.
The dog has come to trust us more and more, and we have grown to trust our experience with him.
Trust is such a fundamental capacity of being human. Trust draws us out of ourselves and into a space where we learn and grow over time. Trust lets wisdom find a home in us. Trust is our posture before the Lord.
We teach our children trust in so many ways. We want them to be wise and trustworthy. We desire that they choose to trust how God’s Spirit operates in their lives because we know it is a blessed way to live.
Let us pray in our families to see and trust the many ways God’s humor and wisdom shine in our lives.