'Tis the night before Christmas, and throughout the domain,
while the children are sleeping, Mom’s going insane.
The stockings, still empty, are strewn on the floor;
Her husband, still absent, has gone to the store.
Dreaming of presents, kids sprawl on their beds;
Mom hopes their good fortune won't go to their heads.
As she decorates cookies, Mom hears the clock chime,
She gulps down cold coffee and frowns at the time.
When, from somewhere close by, there erupts a kerfuffle,
Mom jerks wide awake and responds on the double.
To the living room, she trips over toys like a drunk,
where the Christmas tree sways as the cat climbs its trunk.

Down the tree comes with a heart-wrenching crash,
The lights and the garland are tangled and smashed!
When what to Mom’s bleary red eyes does appear,
but a two-year-old crying and dragging his bear.
With a series of mutters, and feeling quite sick,
Mom picks up the child and petitions Saint Nick.
The cat saunters forth from the tree without shame.
Disheartened and frazzled, Mom starts to exclaim:
"On Monday, make fruitcake, on Tuesday buy stamps,
On Wednesday deck halls 'til your fingers have cramps.
On Thursday, make eight dozen cookies for school,
Get the sled out of storage, buy hubby some tools!
To the edge of a cliff! To the top of a wall!
I just want to dash, dash away from it all!
For several more moments, this mom has a fit,
'til her eyes spy the manger scene, peacefully lit.
Then she sits in her rocker, the baby to hush,
and laughs at herself and her holiday rush.

Some minutes later, the little one stilled,
Mom's abandoned the cookies, the stockings are filled.
Dad has come home and swept up the debris.
They've settled the gifts, and they've righted the tree.
Finally, Mom springs to her bed and jumps in,
defrosting her feet on her husband’s warm shin.
As she drifts off to sleep, Mom vows to remember
the true gift of Christmas ... both now and forever.
Merry Christmas to all and to all
Family Rosary and Catholic Mom wish you a Blessed Night!