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Trust in Divine Providence

Trust in Divine Providence

Charisms of Holy Cross

The human family is being led now, and being called to something! An understandable question would be, “If God is good and all powerful, why doesn’t He just stop this horrible virus?” An honest and searching response takes us to understand the mystery and the wonder of life itself that we discover especially at times of great trial!

Venerable Patrick Peyton’s message of family prayer has helped millions of families find their way through life - with all its challenges – on the road to eternal life! We are starting to look at key foundations, “charisms” of the spirituality that he learned in his Religious Order, the Congregation of Holy Cross.


This first “charism”, a “gift” or “grace”, talks of trust and of providence.

Lighthouse-HCCharismsSeriesLet’s start today with Divine Providence. What is it? Providence is not just the capitol of Rhode Island! The city was named Providence because it’s founders knew how important it is in our lives: The Lord's constant presence, guidance and care throughout each and all of our lives.

In spite of our weakness, humanity’s persistent tendency to bad decisions, and our sin, He is here with us! He is guiding and helping us always, especially when we awaken and accept His grace and love! This is true, this is real, especially in this crisis of Covid-19.

Father Peyton and other holy people have known and experienced this - and we can see how God guided them! That helps us when our way seems dark! The blessed Mother especially knew this! Our Lady of Providence, help us now to understand that God is guiding us!

Next week we'll continue discovering the charism, Trust in Divine Providence, and focus on trust. Please join me!

About Father Jim Phalan, C.S.C.

Father James Phalan, C.S.C., is a Catholic priest, member of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the National Director of Family Rosary. He served as a missionary for many years travelling the globe to help people come to Jesus through Mary as part of the Family Rosary team. Now he is happy to be serving back at home in the USA!